Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Letter from the Editor: to my Fan(s)

Ok so maybe I don't have multiple fans quite yet...maybe ( just maybe) I only have one real fan. Maybe his name is Paris Kirk. Like all ambitious writers, when I started blogging last summer I had major plans to post something at least three times a week. I figured hey, I have no job and an opinion about everything this should be easy right? Wrong. Since I have moved to Atlanta I have treated my blog like a red headed step child. Seeing that red hair among blacks is rare and usually only occurs in those mixed kids that make you think something mixed wrong, this is especially bad. Because I don't have the money ( and possibly not the talent) for a publicist just yet, I figured it is only appropriate that I issue a letter of apology to my fan(s) for my negligence. So here goes:

Paris...um..err... I mean Everyone, 
Thank you for all your support. You mean the world to me, and I mean that in the most Toni Braxton way possible. If it weren't for you reading, the fact that I think I am a writer would be less true than it already is. Other than Maleah none of you are biologically obligated to read anything that I write- and for that I am thankful. (Paris) Please forgive me, from now I blog rain, sleet or shine.

I'm back ( for real for real) and this time I am doing it for my fans (cough Paris). Just keep in mind that I'm and artist...and I'm sensitive about my sh*t. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

i TOO have become a fan of yours and think that you are excellent, i'll make sure I tell my friends!!!!

TIFF said...

Please know that I am now forwarded your info to other bloggers. Its on now sister...Maleah's sister that is.

jasminmonet said...

one more fan signing in from atlanta!!! :) cant wait... i will make sure to stay tuned!!

be peace,

Anonymous said...

Hi my name is Anna Kate, I am also a fan. Anna > Paris

Anonymous said...
