It's funny how destiny works sometimes. Yes I am a self-proclaimed Sylvia Brownian so I know everything happens for a reason and I know that certain things are orchestrated by a higher power. But this was unreal. Last night as I lay in bed, watching television over the phone with JP (the long distance relationship version of spending quality time) I expressed to him my extreme detest for Chris Brown's new song Forever. Now I must admit, when it comes to Chris Brown, I usually ain't too proud to beg, but this song had me rethinking our fictitious, R. Kelly-like relationship. But I digress. As I laid in bed, rambling on about the egregiousness of the tune, something happened. And not just anything, something big. In true Exodus fashion, the good lawd himself stepped in and played the video for Forever. Now, I am no religious zealot, but I recognize the work of GOD, and nothing could have been more perfect in that moment. I no longer needed to use words like "abysmal" or "homosexual club banger" to describe the song, JP could now see the ridiculousness for himself. Maybe said Mr. Brown was influenced by the techno craze that seems to have possessed his girl Ri Ri, but this is a classic case of when bad music happens to good people. As my militant, yet insightful beau put it "Chris Brown you already dance too much, how are people going to respect you now?" Get it together C. Breezy. Get it together. While listening to the song hurts my heart, this experience has taught me several things. 1. Long distance relationships truly can be fruitful with the help of cable television 2. Everyone, including Chris Brown, can be wrong. And I mean very wrong 3. All the time GOD is good, GOD is good all the time. Amen.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
IF this had happened THEN I would be upset
Posted by Skateboard B. at 10:35 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Best Week Ever
A few things that have made this week the best week ever...well maybe calling it the best week ever is a little gratuitous, but you get what I'm saying...
Posted by Skateboard B. at 3:55 PM 1 comments
Wild 'N Out...For Real
While my fictive cousin Ari insisted that this buffoonish couple should be ignored, I can't fight the feeling. I gotta do it. And I can't even be articulate about it. In fact I want to use every expletive known to man.... what the F*#% is wrong with Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey? I know I only recently moved from the middle of nowhere, Indiana but damn Africa...what happened? What did I miss? Sure I am familiar with the adage "you can't help who you love" but really... these lovers just need help. Of course they are no Bobby and Whitney, but you can not deny the bizarreness of their marriage, tattoos and massive wedding rings. Did I drink too much haterade or is this just really weird. My money is on the latter.
Posted by Skateboard B. at 2:35 PM 0 comments
These are a Few of My Favorite Things...
So I just graduated from college and... nothing. Commencement speakers and family members alike insisted that graduation would be monumental, that my life would change drastically. Everyone (and they mommas) promised me that a diploma would be a mark of distinction, something that only the best of the best and the brightest of the brightest receive. So why do I feel so...normal. Nothing has changed. In fact graduation and all of its fluff was rather anticlimactic. Actually instead of stepping out into the world with a new perspective- here I lay in my bed like I have for the past four summers wondering why, if global warming is real, is Minnesota so damn cold? So instead of letting my mind (that someone just paid 200,000 dollars to cultivate) go to waste, I have decided to blog. That's right. Every week, day or really whenever I get bored or have something to say, I have decided to write down my random thoughts with the hope that someone listens, reads, reacts, laughs or feels the same way. So because graduation did not change my life (the way that every Hallmark card writer had hoped) I have decided to celebrate other random, ridiculous shit. These are a few of my favorite things... hope you like.
Posted by Skateboard B. at 12:32 PM 4 comments